Case Statements

Case Statements

We have a 15-page document called: THE NO NONSENSE GUIDE TO HELP YOU PREPARE A STATEMENT OF YOUR CASE. Nowhere (nowhere!) will you find a better explanation of what a Case Statement is all about— and how to write one that is brilliant, exciting, and motivating.

It explains the role of the Case. It may surprise you to learn that the overriding objective is not to have the material read. That’s essential, of course. But the Case’s overriding responsibility is to move the reader to action. That’s what it’s all about.

You can access this document here. Or if you would like us to send you a bound copy, call us and we’ll ship it.

And by the way, if you want much more extensive information on how to write a Case Statement, call us for a copy of Jerry Panas’, MAKING THE CASE. There has never been anything written that is quite as helpful in preparing you for the Case. The book is superb. And fun and funny to read (not totally a bad idea for a subject as serious as writing a Case.) Or you can order the book here online.

Here’s something that sets the firm apart. We write a Case Statement before undertaking our feasibility studies. There’s an important reason why we do this. (It makes so much sense, we don’t understand why every firm doesn’t do it.)
E-mail us or call— and we’ll explain why we write the Case before any interviews are undertaken. And we’ll tell you how we use it and why it makes such an extraordinary difference.

On a regular basis, we also write Case Statements for clients and other institutions that haven’t quite made the decision yet to engage us for their campaigns or consulting. (But they will!).

No one writes a more effective and motivating Case Statement than our firm. Well…, of course. Remember, we wrote the book!

let us help you!

We are popular presenters at conferences and workshops. Find out how we can help you.

Their expertise in writing case statements, conducting feasibility studies, analyzing results of the studies and follow up consulting is second to none.

Dr. Ronald G. Area
CEO, The Marshall University Foundation, Inc

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