I Personally Can’t Give the Level of Gift I’m Being Asked for, so How Could I Ask Someone Else to?

ANSWER: I’m surprised anyone told you what level of gift you should be making. Perhaps they suggested an amount. It may be higher than you are able to do at this time.

You’re on the Board. And all Trustees, as you know, are asked to give. We even talk about stretch gifts. But only to the best of your ability. We would not expect more than that.

It is perfectly all right to say to the person you’re calling on, “I’m making a significant gift to the organization. This year, for me, it’s truly a stretch gift.”

That sort of a comment will lead you to a successful ask no matter how much you’re giving. Just so you’re giving.

Email us with your most common objections and answers for Board Members and Volunteers not willing to solicit? We would like to hear from you.