Six Secrets of Success

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Published October 9, 2013

Six Secrets of Success

I heard from Cindy Scott the other day. She is at Parkland Health & Hospital System (Dallas, Texas).

She mentioned that she has been working at major gifts for the past 10 years. She gave me her six secrets for success. They are:

1. Always Be Honest
2. Make Yourself Memorable
3. Be Accessible
4. Appreciate Your Prospects
5. Delight Your Donors
6. Forge Lifetime Relationships

It reminded me of a visit I had recently with Malin Burnham. Without question, he is considered the number one volunteer leader in San Diego. Most would say there isn’t a close number two!

Malin and I were talking about his success in life, I pressed him a bit. He gave it some serious thought. He says there are seven virtues he holds close to his heart.

They are so important that they appear on several plaques in conspicuous areas in the Malin Burnham Sailing Center. It was built for young people at the San Diego Yacht Club.

Hard Work
Follow Through
Playing By the Rules
Planning Ahead

My thanks to both Cindy and Malin. Their verities are as consequential to effective and successful fundraising as they are to everything we do in life.